This book offers a comprehensive guide to building resilience in leadership, emphasizing the importance of integrity, optimism, and self-care as foundational traits.
The Bi-directional Engagement Strategy Tool is a program implementation framework to guide the development of wellness resources to support health center staff.
We are fortunate to have four exceptional articles presented to us in this issue
. This paper presents a two-factor integrative model of change developed by the author adapted from the work of 1) Schein as well as 2) the research of Albert Bandura.
Achieving resilience is a process that supports people in moving forward from a trauma to maintaining one’s well-being.
Humans are inherently occupational; therefore, anything that impedes occupation would pose a threat to health and well-being.
A guide to the articles in this volume
Therapy dogs, which have historically visited healthcare facilities for the benefit of patients, may also be helpful to personnel, providing emotional, psychological, and physiological support.
Psychological first aid (PFA) has been endorsed as an important element of mental health-related support services in the aftermath of a critical incident.
Self-recovery, often mentioned as self-healing and remediation, is an extremely important superpower-like feature of large systems on national, international, up to the global world level.
Welcome to volume VI, Issue 2, and what an issue it is. Talk about variety and size.